No matter how smart your invention or new service may be, one day you will have to pitch for an investor. And that is difficult and exciting at the same time. In case you’re a startup entrepreneur, pitching will be the essential skill to scale up your ideas.

A smart preparation is the backbone of your first contact with potential investors. The question is how you efficiently use your short time frame. And how to avoid the thousand mistakes you can make here. Only those with a well thought-out, smart strategy can convince in a short time. And that is certainly never done by improvisation. On the contrary.

start the conversation

The most obvious mistake is when you try to ‘sell’ your proposition. The attention of the investors can only be lead along the problem towards your solution. And in the process you show them the big difference your idea can make. Imagine your pitch as the start of a conversation. And therefore is your preparation of possible questions and answers even more important than the pitch itself.

Pitch High Tech Medic

Investors usually have much more doubts than an average audience. Therefore it is best to have a personal conversation, in which you refute their scepticism as cleverly as possible. Successful entrepreneurs are constantly prepared for questions, with convincing explanations. And I’m really happy to help you with that.

My Startup Pitch Training takes usually about 20 hours online, divided in 8 sessions. In case of live meetings, we do this in about 5 afternoon sessions. There is also additional homework and in the end you are a pitch professional. We are inclined to think that we should invest in our ideas. Above all you should invest in yourself. After this training you are an experienced speaker with the self-confidence that radiates success.


My training is 100% custom made and always tailored to your market and product. The rate for a startup pitch training is € 2,500.- excl. VAT. And after that I offer lifelong pitching support for free.