Join one of the 100 presenting events on the “International PechaKucha Day”. Because the popular presentation format – 20 slides x 20 seconds per slide – celebrates the special date:  2 / 20 / 2020. That’s why many PK events will take place in schools, museums, town halls, theaters and offices all over the world. This will give an explosion of ideas and experiences that are simultaneously shared that night. And there is still time to organize an extra event in your own community.

If you are not familiar with the PK-format, you can visit one of the following events in your country. On the International PechaKucha Day  2/20/20 PK Nights are organized in Aalen, Ankara, Appleton, Asheville, Atlanta, Aveiro, Bangkok, Barquisimeto, Bermuda, Bexhill-on-Sea, Bodrum, Bogata, Bridgeport, Brighton, Broome, Burnaby, Ceske Budejovice, Christchurch, Cholula, Cleveland, Dayton, Denver, El Paso, Ellensburg, Faro, Geneva, Guangzhou, Hawkes Bay, Hong Kong, Izmir, Kathmandu, Knoxville, La Trimouille, Lausanne, Leiden, Lima, London, Maastricht, Manchester, Montemorelos, Nashville, Nairobi, Nelson, New Haven, Ottawa, Panjim, Petaling Jaya, Pittsburg, Portsmouth, Providence, Queretaro, Quetzaltenango, Quito, Regina, Rotterdam, San Antonio, San Fernando, Stillwater, Sunshine Coast, Surgut, Tbilisi, Tokyo, Townsville, Tromsø, Tyumen, Utrecht, Valladolid, Veenendaal, Vologda, Winnipeg and Yerevan. For more information about this international PK-day, just visit the organisers website in Tokyo. And if you want to register and add your own event, go a.s.a.p. to

See here a great example of a PechaKucha presentation. Because it’s the story of Stuart MacDonald who made a documentary with the title: ‘I Want to Look Like That Guy’. And so we are witness of his interesting and also hilarious experiences. That’s the reason why I recommend the sequel at