Speakers coaching

If you want to give a speech, you have to bring something that is worth all the effort.

A relevant story that will be remembered in the core.

I love to share how to do that.

Free Lifelong Support

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Speaking in front of an audience is a rather complex experience. My goal is to give the speaker focus. ‘What is your task on a stage and when is your contribution a success?’ Coaching is about structuring, in order that you always retain your orientation. I can show you how to make your story to a success and how to control your performance. Your presentation will get the most effective form, and also you as a speaker will perform in the best version of yourself.

You will not experience any stress at all. On the contrary. My coaching is all about inspiration. And because of that, I will offer you free lifelong support.

Are you ready for a speech on the short term, then my intervention has immediate effect. No matter if you are a scientist or someone with other ambitions. And I promise… you will enjoy it a lot, because public speaking is absolute fun.

Testimonial PresentingonStage

“Public Speaking is a great opportunity to win over a crowd. Most sessions I had on this topic concentrated on the act itself. What Jean-Paul does is different. He takes you through the most important aspects of storytelling. And teaches you to translate these happenings and stories in recognizable and attention catching short but meaningful messages. Focusing on the message that the audience will spread after my talk, was a good start that I often underestimate. Above all that, Jean-Paul is a great coach and advisor and for sure I recommend his inspiring intervention.” Oana Cipca, chairman of the Wanna’Help Foundation and Business Development manager at MECC Maastricht.


Congress organizers want appealing presentations. Maybe they would ask you to offer a remarkable or even ground-breaking story. But if you do not master the skills of presentation, you will not reach the audience. It’s not that complicated nor expensive to train someone with a good story to a good speaker. Once you have completed this process, you can always prepare independently and successfully for new presentations. How great is that?

I work for conference organizers, for departments, governments and universities, but also for schools, individual teachers, scientists and students. I train doctors, entrepreneurs and starters. My training is for everyone, because this strategy always works.


Programs and Pricing

The range of programs and courses is tailored to the needs in consultation. But to give you an idea about the most common training courses, here are the three most requested options. Feel free to inquire about other options, because anything is possible.


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Go ahead, I’ll call you. Or call me right away 😉