Science, Fast & Furious
What made this fourth edition of the ECTH conference so special? Certainly the [...]
What made this fourth edition of the ECTH conference so special? Certainly the [...]
Presenteren draait niet om de trucs en tips die je kunt aanleren. Daarmee 'over [...]
Join one of the 100 presenting events on the "International PechaKucha Day". Be [...]
A three years old child dares to perform a dance in front of an audience. But a [...]
When you ask your friends how they approach a speech, you usually enter a world [...]
If you want to gain experience in public speaking, then put yourself on a stage [...]
Have you ever had an experience where a speaker is totally misunderstood by an [...]
When you see Tim Urban speak for the first time, you think: this is just an ove [...]
Whatever message you are bringing across on stage, if you ensure it is relevant [...]
I’ve never believed in them, those general presentation tips. “Maintain eye con [...]